Python Functions and Lambda Functions Day - 12
it's a block of code which is executed only if it is called, it can have any number of parameters to pass the data.
use def keyword to define a function and return inside the function to return a value.
Any data type can be sent as an argument to the function.
Default Arguments: Allows to define a function with default value assigned to one or more arguments. It uses default value if no value is passed, else the value gets overridden if any value is passed.
Arbitrary Arguments: If the number of arguments are not known, just place * before the parameter in function definition. (*args)
These arguments can be Positional or Keyword Arguments.
For Positional Arguments, an argument is prefixed with single asterisk (*) and it can store any number of values as shown in the example below.
For Keyword Arguments, an argument is prefixed with double asterisk(**) and that is stored as Dictionary(Key Value Pair)
Keyword Arguments: Allows to pass function arguments in the form of keywords, which are also known as 'Named Arguments'. Arguments with key = value can be sent. Arbitrary Keyword Arguments (**args)
NOTE : Always the Positional Arguments(from above example, person('Ram','Hyderabad')) must be before the Keyword Arguments(from above example, person(name = 'Sita', location = 'Canada')).
Positional-Only Arguments: Use , / after the arguments.
Keyword-Only Arguments: Use *, before the arguments.
Default Parameter Value: If a function is called without argument, then it uses default value.
*Lambda Function: It is an anonymous function.
It can have any number of arguments, but can have only one expression.
| lambda function | function | | --- | --- | | Supports single-line statements that return some value. | Supports any number of lines inside a function block | | Good for performing short operations/data manipulations. | Good for any cases that require multiple lines of code. | | Using the lambda function can sometime reduce the readability of code. | We can use comments and function descriptions for easy readability. |