Python For Beginner's Day - 8


1 min read


  • join(): takes all elements in an iterable(list, dictionary....) and joins them into one string and it must be separated by any string.

    NOTE: Using Dictionary, the returned values will be keys not the values.

  • lower(): converts string to lower case.

  • upper(): converts string to upper case.

  • title(): converts first character of each word to upper case.

  • swapcase(): lower case becomes upper case and vice versa.

  • replace(): particular word is replaced with another value.

  • strip(): returns trimmed version of the string.

  • lstrip(): returns the left trim version of the string.

  • rstrip(): returns the right trim version of the string.

  • split(): splits a string into a list.

  • rsplit(): splits a string into a list, starting from right.

  • splitlines(): Splits the string at line breaks and return a list.

  • rfind(): searches the string for particular value and returns the last position where it was found. if value is not found it returns -1.

  • rindex(): same as rfind(), but only difference is if value is not found it throws an exception.