Python For Beginners


What is Python ?

  • Is a Programming Language

  • Used for Server-side Web Development

  • Used for Scripting

  • Used for Software Development

What can Python do ?

  • Can connect to database systems which can read and modify the files.

  • Can be used on server to create web applications.

  • Can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics.

Why Python ?

  • Works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux ...)

  • Simple Syntax

  • Program can be written in fewer lines

  • Can be treated in Procedural way, Object-oriented way or functional way.

Python Syntax :

  • Simple and Readable.

  • Uses new line to complete the command.

  • Relies on indentation, using whitespace to define the scope.

  • Scope of the loops, functions and classes are dependent on indentation.

  • Other Programming languages use curly brackets.

Install Python :

-> Windows

  • Before installing check in your PC whether Python is installed or not by running the below command in Command Line. ( Go to Windows -> Run -> cmd -> terminal gets open)

-> Mac Or Linux

  • On Mac open the terminal or on Linux open the Command Line

My first Python Program

  • Python is an interpreted programming language.

  • The program can be written in a text editor and then can be placed those files into python interpreter to be executed.

  • Python files will be saved as .py.


  • Write the below line in any text editor

  • print("Hello!")

  • and save that as

  • Open Command Line and navigate to the directory where the file is saved and run :